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Miami Cycling Project   

Dear friends:

This announcement is also,  an invitation and a call  to all the cycling community,  from the very young up to the

more  mature masters cyclists, companies and our noble

government officials from The City Of Miami, to particip-

ate on a very exciting community outreach program, denominated : "The Miami Cycling Project".


The project pursue to work with the young age group cyclists, specially those with lower economical resources. We will work  not only on their physically formation through cycling and related modalities but also, in their intelectual formation with the help of educators, sciences, literature, arts organizations, museuns, cultrural and recreational trips , plus teachings and competitions on the game of chess.


Also, we will expand our already stablished friendly 

relationships loaclly, nationally and  internationally. Involving the support of enterprisers, that together with

our efforts plus the  participation of our noble city officials and all and each one of those organizations 

and cyclists involved in the specialty locally, nationally and internationally.


The project have been extensively studied and planed by 

different specialists in the field of cycling and education, whom during several seasons and events have

been questioning person to person and cyclist to cyclist, 

resulting in the detection of an ample margin of possibility

for elevating to excellene the quality of our competitions 

and other different events in this discipline in South Florida,

 but specially for The City  Of Miami, also known as The Door

 of Latin America.


In conclusion, we need more unity, objectivity and planing for the better development of our young, the cycling sport 

in Miami and South Florida in order to obtain the recognit-ion in all of its forms. Therefore, we make a call to all the 

cyclists, educators, Miami noble city officials and  organizations to sustain this concept so worthy and 

necessary for the evolution and the advancing of our young and families plus the sport of cycling in Miami and South Florida.


Our definite goal is to complete this project, making of Miami a better place to live for all, by earning for Miami the distinguishing title of:  "The American Cycling Capital ".


Those are our goals and  for which we work emphatically.  




Dr. Frank Tirado, Dir. MRC and  MIAMI CYCLING PROJECT

Editor:   Dr. Frank Tirado
Dir. Of Miami Road Cyclist

Dir. Miami Cycling Project

Coming News

1. ​Honor List Recognition

2. Associates List Introduction 

3. ​Home of MRC Presentationion

4. ​​MRC Cycling Programs



Miami Cycling Project 






Dear friends:



On this day of June 21 of 2015, on“ Fathers Day ” and with this 

second announcement:  We are confirming the MRC determina-tion to continue with our efforts toward the completion of the 



Also, of our compromise with our young and  all the cycling and non-cycling community in general about  safety plus advocacy for all

cyclists and athletes of all kinds who use our streets and roads 

to practice their preferable sports.  


1- Promotion and help about ( city permits, licenses, police presence, event registrations, cordination, logistics, insurance, photography, video recording, marketing, advertising  and public relations ) all types of community events by the people and for 

the people of all Miami, South Florida, USA and World Wide.


2- Promotion and help on: “Special Athletes Events“ plus “Para-Olympic Events” and “Juvenile Cycling Events”. 


3- Formation of a “Juvenile Cycling Team” and “Cycling School” 

specially for those less priveledge, but neither leaving those out

with better means of live.


4- Formation of  the " Young Activities Club " with empasis in the  game of chess, arts, literature and sciences after regular school hours and weekends.


5- Completion of the MRC Tech SAG automobile. ( Cyclists support

 car ).


5- Interviews, articles and promotions of cyclists and other athle-tes that use our streets and roads to practice their favor sports.


7- Regular Promotion to our members business and services.


8 -Finally, the VIP Promotion package to our Sponsors for their generous support.





Dr. Frank Tirado,  Dir. Of MRC and  MIAMI CYCLING PROJECT.

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